AT last we see the real face of Tony Blair, behind the fixed dental smile lies the face of a man who cannot accept defeat.

He knew months ago his time was up, the people had made it very clear after the Iraqi war, but not for him the humble admission of 'yes we got it wrong, now we must put it right' oh no, here is a man with bitter revenge in his heart, a man who knows the worst thing for Britain and its peoples right now is to be tied into a union from which there is no escape - the EU.

In survey after survey the majority of British people have voted against this unholy alliance.

The peoples of France and Belgium wisely gave it the no vote.

But now we see the real Tony Blair, in his last months of office, not content with the already appalling legacy he has left, ie a crumbling education system, buried in policies that have resulted in mass resignations in the teaching profession.

A NHS which no longer serves the sick and the old, but is forced to meet unrealistic targets in an effort to meet government under funding.

A policy of inheritance tax which will rob the old, even after their death!

How dare they practice prudent parenting in an effort to take care of their own, thus preventing the need for them to knock on any benefit door.

Now he wants to exit left, having delivered the final blow to a nation that dared to oppose him and his destructive policies!

By using the remains of his pitiful influence and power, he will march Britain into the EU and without a referendum, the added irony of this is his puppet of a government have been instructed to use public money (yours and mine) to wrap this particularly nasty package up in a way that he claims the 'old and the uneducated' will accept it without question, and the rest can be 'smooth talked' round.

What an arrogant, pompous, and despicable man he is! I would remind him it was this older generation who saved this country from an evil dictator in two world wars, these same people who have not sold their values to the highest bidder.

In case you are not aware we are also the largest voting army out here, do not underestimate the 'old or the uneducated' we can still recognise an enemy and are still able to deal with them however big or in your case - small fry.