IN THE ten years they've been in power this country has had the heart and soul ripped out of it by Tony Blair and his party.

Because if things are as great as they lead us to believe how come, for a start, our schools, hospitals and transport system are in such a shocking state?

And families only £9 a week better off than six years ago?

Why are we all paying so much for so little?

After ten years what do we have to show for it?

Precious little. Where has all the money gone?

Ministers are sitting back and getting fat pay, perks and pensions, instead of improving classroom standards and patient care. Spending has trebled under New Labour, for a start, only 30p in the pound has gone on improving health care.

It's an utter disgrace.

Labour has squandered public money like it was going out of fashion yet always feathering their own nest with their big fat salaries and pensions - to hell with the rest of us.

Talk about George Orwell's Animal Farm!