I WALK my dog along Weston Shore daily and have done for the last ten years.

The car park there has been upgraded. While the surface is a great improvment, the layout leaves a lot to be desired. Previously vehicles parked overlooking Southampton Water. Now, apart from a few disabled places, all face Woolston or Netley - not an enjoyable view. Apparently this was done to maximise spaces.

Over Easter the car park was only half full because cars were being driven over the public path to park on the foreshore.

Also, if I sit on the new seats for more than 15 minutes I find them very cold.

Mounds of earth were turfed; but three weeks later the turf was taken up because it had died, apparently there are no facilities to water it. Let's hope this will be sorted out before the next lot are laid.

L TURNER (by e-mail).