MY sister lives within the zone one for parking in Southampton.

I like to visit her regularly and because I live on the outskirts of the city I need a temporary visitor's permit when I park on her street.

For the past year the temporary parking permits (which are the scratch card type) have become increasingly hard to scratch, so much so that you may make a hole in the card while doing so.

For about a year now my sister and I have been drawing a circle around the day, month and year! However, to my dismay I recently received a parking penalty notice.

I visited the Civic Centre to vent my disgust. The girl behind the counter politely informed me that I had not scratched the card as stated on the back.

However, she could not understand that the gold coloured foil on the cards does not scratch off.

For a year they have accepted my circling the day, then they clamp down without notifying residents. I am now faced with a £30 fine. What an easy money spinner. Be aware!

DONALD CLARKE, Southampton.