I WISH to urge our councillors in the strongest terms to bring on to the next council agenda the handling of the situation regarding a couple of homeless people setting up camp within the arches of our medieval city walls.

The council appears to have washed its hands of it, passing the buck to their homeless dept to deal with, who say, they have no way of helping these people.

This is unacceptable. Our medieval roots and the major tourist attraction of the Bargate have been compromised by the council allowing this camp to continue.

If it is allowed to continue it will be joined by others in the same situation and before we know it will become a shanty town. Something must be done.

A similar situation arose a few months ago where Jongleurs used to be at the Bargate.

People were camping out there and a few yards away in the next doorway the stench of urine was disgusting.

These people were moved so why cannot this latest camp also be removed?

When it first appeared several weeks ago we thought perhaps they were refugees with children and everyone felt sorry for them and many offered help.

The reason we thought it was a family was because they had a baby buggy clearly visible and children’s toys.

This was a deliberate deception to instil sympathy so now we, the residents, have lost patience with them and our council.

The council purports to be concerned that Liverpool is now operating a successful cruise terminal.

How long, if we allow itinerants to set up camp on our prime tourist areas, will our cruise trade last?

Cruise passengers usually arrive at least a day before they are due to leave so they can drink in the history of our city.

They bring much needed revenue to local businesses and by extension our city council.

News will soon spread that in Southampton you cannot enjoy the past and tourist trails with shanties being built and allowed to stay.

In these days of FaceTime, tablets and iPhones news spreads via social media around the world in seconds.

Do you really want this to be the international face of our city?

This picture is already circulating on Facebook http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/13620480.Homeless_set_up_camp_at_Southampton_monument/?ref=fbshr.

I would appreciate a response from my local representatives on the council about what they are going to do about this.

Carole Smith, Southampton