I WONDER whether the council could explain the disparity in available expenditure for areas of Sholing. I am advised by the parks and gardens office/maintenance department that there is insufficient funding to replace seven seats in Sholing Valley that have been vandalised, yet there appears to be sufficient funding for continuous replacement of the fencing at the children's playground in the same area, itself repeatedly vandalised and seldom used for its purpose for that very reason.

There is also sufficient funding to allow a complete refurbishment of a so-called village green in South East Road.

The seats were used frequently by people walking through Sholing Valley, many of whom valued the rest on their journey and many of whom are either elderly or somewhat infirm.

There seems to be some discrepancy in use of the funding and it would be interesting to have a reason.


A Southampton City Council spokesman replies: It is correct to say that the seats in Sholing Valley are valued by the majority, but they are unfortunately also subject to frequent and serious vandalism.

The parks and open spaces section has a limited annual budget for the repair and maintenance of park furniture which means that at times there may be a delay in carrying out remedial works. To help keep the seats in longer commission, we will be replacing them with a more robust and durable type.

The repair and maintenance of play equipment is funded by budgets held by children's services, not parks and open spaces, who will prioritise work necessary to ensure the safety of the young children who use their facilities.

People can help keep their local parks and open spaces safe and attractive by reporting antisocial behaviour on the 101 number.