YET again we hear how the uninitiated wish to control the lives of others. I refer to the letter by J Beale berating the dangers of motorcycles and, in the process, demonstrating a complete lack onfunderstanding and admitting to his own failings as a motorcar driver.

If you are startled by being overtaken by a motorcycle then you should use your mirrors more and be aware of what other vehicles are on the road, not try to get them taken off because they are an inconvenience. As a motorcyclist I am frequently startled when a car driver decides to pull out of a junction without realising that I am heading towards him... well within the speed limit and with headlights on in broad daylight I still seem to be invisible. Do I demand all cars should be taken off the road? No.... But I would like to see such dangerous and incompetant drivers taken off the road.

I will admit that there are some motorcyclists who travel over the speed limit, just as there are car drivers who speed. This does not make the bike more dangerous than a car. Yes, at low speeds a bike is less stable than a 2 ton metal box on four wheels but because you are in such a box does not give you priority on the roads nor a Godgiven right to demand that other road users should not be allowed to use the Queen's Highway.

As a final point, I do realise that every time I get on my bike to go somewhere I am taking my life in my hands. But the danger comes from the bad driving of ALL road users, not just the small minority of road users who feel that the pleasures gained from riding a motorcycle outweigh the risks. How many car drivers think that they are getting aboard a lethal weapon every time thay get in their car? How many bikers do you see using mobile phones, eating their lunch, smoking a cigarette, changing the CD, entering data into their Sat Nav or any number of other things that I see car drivers doing? Bikers give all their concentration to riding the bike and reading the road. They have to with some of the tricks car drivers get up to.

Come on, Mr Beale. Live and let live, drive your car safely and considerately and, better still, learn to ride a motorcycle and see how much you are missing.

PETE SAMM, Locks Heath.