I HAVE only recently started visiting the Daily Echo website as I normally only buy the paper, but I was quite shocked at how cold people can be when it comes to others suffering.

There have been articles on car crashes, taxi drivers being assaulted, people being stabbed ad it is as if people use any excuse to add racial hatred to the subject or add how inconvenient it was for them.

EMMA, Southampton.

I'VE been an avid reader to the Echo since the 80s.

I moved to Tenerife last year and keep up with the local news through the net..but I'm saddened by some of the remarks some idiots write on topics.

The racist comments are so destroying for many I'm sure.

People seem to be commenting about accidents when they are not in possession of the full facts.

Anyway, don't stop the comments as I do enjoy having my say - just try to stop the small minority...

Keep up the good work helen odonoghue, here in windy Tenerife.