I WISH to respond to the Echo’s comment piece on Thursday, March 31 re: 20mph limits.

It is exactly because there are upcoming elections, that can genuinely see a change in who runs the council, that 20mph limits are now at the forefront of discussion.

For four years local Conservatives have supported residents calls and backed the idea of 20mph limits since government legislation made it easier to create 20mph limits.

In my view the creation of safer, friendlier local streets should be the aspiration and priority of everyone within our city.

Add to that the potential benefits lower speed limits can have on air pollution, especially from diesel engines, by reducing PM (particulate matter) and NOx.

Less accelerating and de-accelerating also leads to less brake and tyre wear and associated PM from brake dust.

We have a Labour council that say they are in support of 20mph, yet over four years can’t find the money or justification to implement 20mph limits.

We had an air quality inquiry that recommended 20mph limits where stop start traffic is an issue over a year ago – well surely that covers just about the whole of the city and should have been introduced by now?

I would have loved Labour to have introduced 20mph limits and would have applauded them for doing so.

Sadly Labour haven’t and they have repeatedly made it clear it is not on their agenda to do so.

I whole-heartedly agree that where evidence exists that 20mph limits save lives, and could potentially reduce air pollution it is simple – they should be introduced.

They are also the first of many steps we need to take to make Southampton a more cycle friendly city.

I hope to be re-elected and be the person responsible for finally providing some much needed action in Southampton to make our city a safer and better place through 20mph limits where residents want them.

This isn’t playing politics, it is about being consistent and sticking to the promises you make and ensuring people know what they will get depending on how they vote on May 5 this year.

Councillor Steven Galton, Conservative transport spokesperson