I KNOW I have several times wrote about the NHS but I have recently come back from America and would like to share an experience with you.

My partner had to have emergency treatment. We had to be rushed to the nearest hospital which was an hour and a half away. The treatment was excellent we arrived at the emergency department and whilst my partner was being treated the administration came to give him his bill which cost £1,650 for a three hour admission plus £100 for further antibiotics.

My point is we have a NHS free at the point of access and just think how much we would have to pay to stay healthy if we no longer had the NHS. It is part of this country we should treasure and be thankful for and not abuse.

At present the NHS is in serious debt and we are in danger of losing it. Please, I say to everyone, do not abuse it – something we are all guilty of at some time in our lives. We need to start appreciating what we have before it is too late.

Christine Cassell, address supplied