DURING the last eighteen months I have had three stays in Southampton General Hospital.

The first time was with a fractured vertebrae in my back resulting in a three week stay on Ward E5.

The second time was for a Perforated Bowel requiring an emergency surgical procedure and resulted in a three week stay again on Ward E5, for one week, and F1 for two weeks.

The third and the most recent time was for Stem Cell transplants and this resulted in a two and a half week stay on Ward C6. Bone Marrow Transplant ward.

During the period from my first admission to hospital in August 2014 and my discharge following my third stay in March 2016, I have been having continuous treatment for Myeloma, White Blood Cell Cancer.

I would therefore like to put it on record that the treatment I have received from all the individual wards, doctors, nurses and all other members of staff has been completely one hundred per cent exemplary.

My blood cancer treatment is still on going, so there is even more chance for the cancer treatment staff to continue to give me their continued support until I get the all clear.

I say: “Long live the NHS” I would not be here today if it were not for their help and support.

Roy Sanders Redbridge