SO what if Sharon Moir was running a string of brothels? Everybody knows that escort is a euphemism for prostitute, it's a valuable service, and is the oldest profession known to man.

Even Lady Hamilton, Nelson's lover, was a prostitute!

The sooner prostitution is legalised and regulated along Dutch lines the sooner both customers and suppliers will be afforded reasonable protection, and residents can be relieved of nuisance.

I say good luck to the madam in question.

MATT PROBERT, Harefield, Southampton.

Change the law THE sting and subsequent prosecution of Sharon Moir is an appalling waste of scarce public resources.

This money should either have been spent on something constructive or returned to the taxpayer.

Ms Moir has done nothing fundamentally wrong, but there is clearly plenty wrong with the existing antiquated law.

It is high time our lawmakers were suitably reminded that this is the 21st century, not the 19th.

Perhaps that would stop this egregious violation of human rights.