IN his letter to the Echo (June 22) Mike Cottrell refers to the intention of the European Union to destroy our post offices and the Royal Mail.

Many of readers may query this allegation as another misleading scare put out by us Euro sceptics, why they will say, the reason is it is the stated intention of the EU is to destroy entirely all national organisations and to bring them under the control of the European Union.

Ex-PM Tony Blair and his government did their utmost to comply with these instructions and have ruined our post offices by the simple expedient of taking away from them all government business formerly transacted by them in a totally undemocratic manner against the wishes of the entire British public.

Similarly it is the intention of the EU to destroy our system of county policing, and fire brigades and to have them operation on a regional basis under the control of Brussels, steps are already being taken to bring this about.

It is planned eventually to have one European Army.

Europe is costing our businesses millions of pounds to comply with the thousands of rules, regulations and orders that continually pour out from Brussels.

Mr Blair recenly boasted about how little he gave away to Europe in recent discussions on our future in Europe, why give away anything at all? He has merely driven another nail in the coffin of our sovereignty.

The policy of David Cameron and his Conservatives have always been that we must stay in Europe and "Fight our corner" why fight at all? Why do we not just get out. We get nothing out of Europe, we have lost all our battles so far.

It costs our country at least £5m every hour and what do we get out of it apart from constant interference in our lives our once jealously freedom and democracy has been almost eliminated? The destruction of our post offices is only another indication of the price we are paying for our continued involvement in the European fiasco.

F W ESTALL, Hedge End.