SOUTHAMPTON City Council has sold the residents down the river. Part of the council services are now to be run by a private company for profit. Why can't the council do this themselves and cut our council tax?

Again, a glimmer of hope was offered to the residents of Swaythling with the shelving of the plans for the proposed travellers' site, but again their hopes have been dashed and a promise broken.

So, the city council thinks more of outside business and non-residents than they do of citizens.

Perhaps they would be happier selling or giving away the keys to the Civic Centre and then we could dispense with the council and all the political infighting. Maybe that's the wow factor the city needs!

P.S. Alec Samuels under the Sale of Goods Act you have not provided what you promised. Can I please have my vote back?

MARTIN SYMES, Swaythling, Southampton.