A RECENT Daily Echo article focused on the reductions in our £6m bus subsidy. It included a typical comment by Eastleigh MP Chris Huhne and I quote: "This is a mean spirited cut from a council whose priorities stink. It needs a big rethink."

Mr Huhne's memory is sadly lacking for it was only 18 months ago that the county council suffered an overspend on our adult social care budget of £20m.

For the record, more than 1,000 people presented themselves to us for care in an unprecedented surge which had some of its origins in the NHS and its battle to reduce its overspend.

I think most people in this county would think that to take care of the elderly and the vulnerable is not mean-spirited in any way and they might also agree that, if we are spending millions on buses which are in those areas we have indicated, transporting fresh air rather than passengers, this was a very reasonable decision to take.

I have had to ask the service departments of Hampshire County Council to make a contribution to the savings programme so that we can come back within budget in the two years which is the maximum this government will allow. Unlike the NHS we are legally charged with balancing our budget.

The root cause of this difficulty is that, at £96 per head of population grant from Government this is one-eighth of the grant to Gordon Brown's constituency, one-fifth of the funding given to John Prescott's constituency and one-third of the funding given to what was Tony Blair's constituency in Durham.

Mr Huhne knows these facts well but is always available to make comment of a disparaging nature about the county council. We do know what our priorities are and they are, when there are unpleasant decisions to take, that we will always err on the side of those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and indeed, the elderly.

KEN THORNBER, leader, Hampshire County Council.