I TAKE exception to the comments Councillor Liz Mizon made about gypsies, which I consider to be racist (In My View, August 1).

She said she was quoting someone else. This was very poor judgment on her part, and I think she should apologise.

If Cllr Mizon and others look in the dictionary they would see the definition of gypsy is: A Romany, a member of a wandering race of people from northern India, who settled in this country during the 1600s.

Very few Romanies still travel about today, they all live in houses, they are noted for their personal cleanliness, their beautiful caravans and houses with sparkling furnishings, and lovely china.

I know this because my dad's mother was a Romany.

As my mum, who is long gone, once said to a cousin of mine when his wife made an insulting comment about my dad's family, "Your Uncle Walker's family could buy and sell you''.

All our family are clean, law-abiding and hard working, as are the majority of people of Romany descent, there is always the bad apple in all races.

The people Cllr Mizon is referring to are travellers who like to roam the country doing as little as possible.

The travellers' site should have a caretaker, all caravans should be clamped and not released until their space is as clean as when they arrived, but I've no doubt that is out of the question, human rights you see.

Incidentally, how about making tenants/owners of some of the houses in the city clear up their mess too?

EVE MOTHERSHAW, Southampton.