COUNCILLOR Liz Mizon (In My View. August 1) is honest enough to admit the travellers' site decision at Monks Brook is not exactly a vote catcher. She also states that by law we, by that I assume she means the citizens of Southampton, must supply travellers with a legal place to stop.

Why? I don't remember anyone supplying me or my family with a place to live free of charge or taxation.

We are supposed to be living in a democracy and on that score the people of this city (everyone) should have had a vote on the issue, I wouldn't lay bets on a favourable outcome of such.

If anyone is naïve enough to believe this is going to solve the problem of illegal sites cropping up in other parts of the city, then they are wrong.

What if I am proved correct on this issue? What if travellers turn up in other illegal sites? Is there a plan of action in such an event or as I suspect, will it be a case of back to the drawing board?

Travellers should be treated exactly the same as anyone of us should we wish to pull into a managed camp site.

There should be a fee for such things as running water or cooking facilities, and above all they should be made to leave site in the same condition as when they arrived.

L A O'BEE, Lordswood, Southampton.