CONGRATULATIONS on your recent article investigating the appetite and need for an ice rink in Southampton.

Having lived in the Netherlands for many years I believe that Southampton City Council could learn a great deal from how they operate ice rinks. Many are coupled with a swimming pool so that the refrigeration plant can be used as a reverse heat pump in the summer to warm the swimming pool.

In addition to the application of technology the Dutch are extremely good at ensuring the highest use of facilities.

It is not unusual to see ice rinks open from early morning to midnight with a range of organised sessions every hour of the day.

They are great at early learning for the youngsters through to junior ice hockey and seniors session. The Dutch Olympic record is testimony to their dedication.

Establishing the physical facility is the first step, maximising the use and engaging the community is the real key to its value. Let's keep the pressure on for a new ice rink!

ROGER A COLMER, (by e-mail).