IT was with great concern that I read in the Echo that the newly elected Lib Dem majority on Fawley Parish Council have finked' the carefully researched and costed plan by the previous Conservative council, to upgrade the profitable and popular fitness suite, and make easier access for the disabled users. Losing an opportunity to reduce the overall running costs of the Gang Warily Community Centre.

The scheme was carefully worked out by the business manager appointed by the previous Conservative administration, of which I was one. That there is no point in having a business manager if you do not let him manage.

The old Conservative majority on the council has several very experienced businessmen, a retired solicitor, a chairman with a degree. The new Lib Dem councillors appear lacking in that direction, as in order to gain a majority they seem to back anybody they could persuade to stand and with no previous experience.

I have with concern noticed some have given their address care of the council offices', or only a mobile phone number which is not helpful if you have a urgent need to contact your councillor.

I also have concerns of a hidden agenda, in that had the fitness site moved upstairs it would have taken over the bar/café. Which would have been little loss, as all the people who have tried to run it as a business have failed to make a profit.

Blackfield and Langley who are a commercial football club want to retain the bar, as they need to provide reception facilities for referees and visiting teams.

For some unknown reason during the times the Lib Dems have been in the majority on the council, they received a favourable lease on the exclusive use of their club pitch and grounds. Which on its present terms which include the council paying for the maintenance costs.

They lease the bar facilities for around £4,000 a year, which as a fitness site would produce a very much larger sum, and I am watching with interest what the proposed new bar lease to the club will be. That will it be open at all times, and provide food and drinks for members of the parish, or only have access and opening hours to suit the club.

The new councillor also want to move the skate park, following minor complaints from the football club. The skate park was put in its present position for safety reasons, that it was covered by CCTV, and visual from adjacent windows. Apart from the cost of moving to the field over the road it will be next to the shelter which attracts older youths. My conversation with junior skateboarders if they fear intimidation and bullying if they are too close to this shelter, and was one of the reasons that it was originally placed close to the community building. Is this just another favour for Blackfield and Langley and if so why?

Moving it is not best value or a safe move.

I may well raise this and any reduction in the bar lease, or failure to increase the cost of the football pitch with the district auditor.

PHILIP PEARCE-SMITH, former parish councillor.