THE leader of the Hampshire County Council, Ken Thorber, should be sacked for having wasted £20,000 of taxpayers' money on sponsorship of the New Forest Show, which is now believed will make losses in excess of £100,000.

It is not right that council leaders and politicians waste money which is not theirs on what are really businesses disguised as charities.

Pollicians throw money at stupid schemes. The most memorable being the Millennium Dome which was a Conservative project which Labour followed through.

Who is out of pocket? You the taxpayer!

What do you do about it? Apparently nothing as you seem to want to re-elected these people!

In the meantime there are other people living very unhappy lives due to the mismanagement of your money.

New Forest District Council is no better. The leader, Mel Kendal, has caused several embarrassing moments, for example the time he did not display his car parking clock and yet he was the one who promoted it. Also, the time he went to the toilet wearing the Cabinet microphone so that people had to listen to him in there!

Now I understand thousands of inaccurate leaflets were sent out regarding recycling because they were not proof read properly.

What do the people of the New Forest do? Elect Conservatives!

No doubt most of them have gone off on their summer holidays polluting our skies and flying over the New Forest in doing so. So much for protecting it!