I HAVE not seen one letter regarding entrance fees into various shows, zoo, New Forest Show, stage shows, ice rink, bowling alleys and so on. One usually encounters couples and maybe one child but when visiting the New Forest Show.

One year I was sad to see two mothers with six children aghast at the price of entry - about £70. They about turned and returned to their car.

If we were fornutate in getting any of these wow factors, do not think the normal family would ever afford these entries? At first, out of curiosity, we would go but then we would find our pockets empty.

Years ago we had our speedway and whole families would go, included on the same site would be greyhound racing. Up the road there was an ice rink and a bowling alley. All eventually were pulled down to make way for houses and flats.

We had a lovely lido, again all the family could go.

The council said it would cost too much to mend the water filters and pumps and this was pulled down and a great big car park was installed.

Gradually all became shabby, the profiteers did not put any money in to renovate. The entrance fees were far too high for families to go.

Look at the Southampton Common Show - it was wonderful. Gradually the fee went up and up, the quality went down and down - eventually the Common became full with stalls selling things for the kids.

J MOORBY, North Baddesley.