MANY things are said about the state of our NHS, but I feel I must write about the cancer units in Southampton.

My wife was diagnosed in April 2005 with breast cancer and referred to the clinic at the Rutal South Hants and Southampton General. The treatment she received was first class and we can only praise all the specialists, doctors, nurses and back-up staff.

They always treated my wife like she was a family member. There was always a smile and words of encouragement for us. Nothing was ever too much trouble for any one of the staff. They could always make us laugh, even when discussing with us about the problems.

The staff on the chemotherapy section were fantastic, also at radiotherapy, and followed by a year of Herceptin, never once did we have any complaints.

There was always a friendly face, a cup of tea and words of encouragement at all times, so this letter is a big thank you to everyone concerned for making us feel a lot better through this period of our lives.

There is not much wrong with the NHS in the cancer unit.

RON TYMER, Regents Park, Southampton.