OUR newspapers frequently debate whether Prince Charles will ever become King and Camilla his Queen.

There is further debate as to whether Charles should renounce his prerogative and the Kingship go straight to Prince William with possibly Queen Kate Middleton.

Consideration of these possibilities and their consequences are however are futile, England will never have another King or Queen and ironically it is our present Queen who has broken her Coronation oath to protect and preserve our British heritage, laws and constitution by signing no less than six treaties handing over out powers to govern our own country to rule by the European Parliament, administered entirely by un-elected bureaucrats in Brussels and apart from signing away her own rights she is signing away the rights of princes Charles and William and any other heirs forever.

Limitations on space prevent me from giving any further details of this appalling situation but there is one more document, the seventh and final treaty that she will sign as soon as the present proposed Constitution for Europe, which has already been rejected in referendums by France and Holland, is forced through the EU Parliament. Our own leaders resolutely refuse our country a referendum on this issue.

At present there is something like 111,000 rules, regulations and orders made in Europe, which affect every aspect of our lives in England at the moment. Our country will become an undemocratic Soviet style police state.

Dissenters like myself will be severely dealt with. Britain will be abolished, it has already decided our country will be divided up into nine regions of the European Union, our beloved counties will be no more. Hampshire and all our surrounding counties, together with a part of eastern France and Belgium will be known as the South East Region and note this well, a Frenchman Mr Le Venn has already been appointed, not elected, as our president.

All these statements are facts and can be checked on the web. We are being grossly deceived by our leaders in these matters. Do we want our children to be ruled by an unelected dictator in Europe? We are being rushed by our politicians into a federation of tyranny, which will destroy Great Britain forever.

Wake up England, it is almost too late already, act now. Keep in touch with what is going on behind our backs. Make your views known to your MP or anybody you know who could be involved in these issues.

F W ESTALL, Hedge End.