I AM writing regarding a serious health issue which is affecting my family.

Our bins are now being collected fortnightly. As you can imagine during weather as hot as has been in recent weeks this proves to be a health hazard.

As a result of this this one of our black bins has a serious maggot infestation. After contacting Test Valley Council they have informed us that maggots do not carry germs. I'm sure that this comment is unfounded as the maggots are crawling around on two-week-old rubbish.

The council also advised me to clean my bin out with bleach, however this would be impossible due to the bin being full to the top with rubbish and festering maggots.

To deter future infestation the council has advised me to double up plastic bin bags which I find to be very environmentally unfriendly, costly and flaws the idea of scheme which is to aid the environment.

MRS BETH NEVILLE, North Baddesley.