OPPOSITION to Linden Homes' BAT development is a deeper issue then opposing the building, of what would probably be attractive houses.

There are already traffic problems in Totton. Frequent closure of the train gates cause traffic queues back to Asda/Esso roundabout, up Ringwood Road, past Abbotswood School, on to west Totton and at times nearing the A326 roundabout.

Totton becomes swamped with extra traffic when there are emergencies on the M27/M271. Ringwood and Salisbury roads become escape through routes for the motorway traffic, thus blocking subsidiary roads.

Preparation for the BAT site and the felling of mature trees - poplar, lime and possible some oak would necessitate the use of heavy vehicles. The entrance to BAT is through Southern Gardens, a double car width road. The residents of Southern Gardens would endure an unbearable intrusion into their lives, with constant noise, dust and loss of privacy. The flow of traffic in the area would become a stalemate situation, causing a knock-on effect into Totton.

Seemingly, Linden Homes was the most accommodating developer, showing consideration to the sports activities and local residents - so, "be thankful for small mercies", as other commercial bidders would be less considerate and develop the site to the full extent!

The issue is about saving a green space site, not which developer would be the lesser of two evils!

1 Traffic congestion is a strong reason to oppose the plan.

2 The area has been classed as a flood plain.

3 The development of so few green space sites should be questioned and opposed.

Totton football club achieved and went to Wembley - with coach loads of supporters. After the trip to Wembley, I doubt they continue in their droves to support Totton! I also doubt the benefit to the people of Totton if the green space sites are developed - just overcrowding of humans and traffic!

Would it be within BAT's generous nature to donate the complex (BAT Sports, Totton) to the community, as allegedly, AC Delco, Philips and Esso did to the local communities?

M DUSTIN, Totton.