WITH regards to the two letters on the uselessness of religion (July 31).

Can anyone explain a seemingly meaningless universe or how exactly the Earth is hung as a sphere in space, nor how life itself came other than the universal proven fact written in the Bible that the Lord God made the world in six days and on the seventh day rested and said it was good.

Peter Yates says faith is not a good thing', yet it was by faith alone that propelled Mother Theresa of Calcutta to become one of the most famous people on Earth, hobnobbing as she did with the likes of Tony Blair and her compassion, kindness and belief inspired me, that it actually helped change my life for the better.

When I gave myself at a critical stage of my life, to live life as a Christian, my entire world changed. I have been able to travel the whole country and every day to me is exactly like Christmas Day, for I find that whatever I ask my Father in Heaven for, I am always given.

The real evil in this world is the indoctrination of repressive state ideology such as Stalin's merciless purge in which he murdered millions of innocent people, as did Hitler who in fact was a disbeliever and a worshipper of black magic arts.

Lastly, it does not matter what label you have, be it Jewish, Catholic, whatever, the fact is God said all people must worship the Father and faith does not come into it, for there is but one God, creator of Heaven, Earth and hell.

J CARRUTHERS, Bournemouth.