NEVER let it be said that the Daily Echo let the facts get in the way of a scary headline (August 2).

WRAP (Waste and Res-ources Action Programme) has not condemned fortnightly bin collections - on the contrary the new advice on food waste is just part of an excellent document giving the latest guidance to local authorities on best ways of introducing AWC (Alternate Weekly Collection) systems.

WRAP's contention is that food waste, instead of going to landfill or incineration, can become a source of renewable energy if sent to an anaerobic digester, so councils should look at it.

Unfortunately, many councils will not have access to these nearby and it hardly makes environmental sense to send petrol guzzling lorries many miles to deliver food waste so it can be turned into energy.

Taxpayers should note that new facilities, however desirable, would be expensive. More than 180 councils now operate AWC, with high resident approval rates.

No U-turns are involved in looking at the separate collection of food waste, and AWC is here to stay.

CLLR JILL BASTON, Southampton City Council.