HAMPSHIRE county councillor County Colin Davidovitz was right to urge the Liberal Democrats on his committee to seek full funding for adult social care in Hampshire.

It is a pity those councillors preferred to play politics rather than seek help for elderly people.

Huge sums of extra money are going into the NHS, but the NHS is pushing elderly patients out of hospital as quickly as they can to be cared for by social services who get nothing like the same financial support from the government.

It is a cynical and despicable ploy by Gordon Brown to push more and more burdens onto council tax payers and the Lib Dems are either falling for that ploy or aiding and abetting it.

Who is surprised the council does not have enough money to support the bus companies as well, when faced with the costs of thousands of extra elderly people in need of care every year?

D M SHUTE, Chandler's Ford.