I HAVE a sizeable overdraft, thanks in part to the extortionate charges and inhuman attitude of my bank.

Their greed and lack of consideration for customers is matched only by their stubborn refusal to pay up when the charges have been found illegal.

I wrote to them on May 27, demanding they refund the illegal charges imposed on my business account. It took them seven weeks to respond; when they did their letter referred to the wrong account!

A week later they finally agreed to refund me, albeit with bad grace. I accepted their offer, in writing.

On August 3 they wrote to again, making the same offer, which I again accepted.

They have not apologised; quite the opposite - they have taken the case to appeal. This might, they said, result in their paying out more or less than the offer figure I have accepted!

The delay is totally unacceptable. The bank's disregard for customers is breathtaking. They should admit their guilt, pay up and apologise.

I urge others to keep up the pressure on banks.