THE front page of the Daily Echo (August 9), displaying my national flag of pride, obscured by a pair of pants, made me feel offended, insulted and belittled.

The only reason that I can think of to combine the Union Flag and a pair of pants is to stitch a flag label identifying this as a high quality product made in Britain, discreetly on the inside, to wear them with pride.

Whenever the Union Flag is used, regardless of how, at football matches, made into bikinis or shorts, scarves or hats, people are usually proud to display their national origin.

I find it impossible to create a link between the picture and religion. The only conclusion I can draw is that the artist is suggesting that Britain is pants.

If someone was to write this on a subway wall it would be considered graffiti and removed at the earliest opportunity.

This example of modern art can only strengthen my viewpoint that it would be a total waste of my valuable time to visit such a place that displays such utter rubbish.

S PACKER (by e-mail).