I AM writing regarding the story Hospitals Slammed for Food Hygiene Failings (Daily Echo, August 13).

We take food hygiene very seriously using training and inspection to ensure high standards. Facilities and estates services transferred to Hampshire Partnership Trust from Southampton City Primary Care Trust in April 2006.

The Eastleigh Council environmental health inspection took place in March 2006 and highlighted two areas of concern at Moorgreen Hospital, which were dealt with then.

The first was with the use of the same motor vehicle to transport of food and clinical waste. At no point did the vehicle contain food and clinical waste at the same time.

Using the same vehicle for both purposes is not our normal practice and was a temporary measure for two weeks while awaiting the repair/ replacement of a vehicle.

Although undesirable, it is legitimate as long as correct disinfection procedures are followed. We ensured that the vehicle was correctly disinfected. Food is transported inside a sealed trolley. Waste bags were placed inside a clean bin in the vehicle.

Contrary to the Echo report, at no time was clinical waste transported on food trolleys. A new vehicle for transport of waste was leased when the vehicle was confirmed as irreparable. At no time were patients or the public put at risk.

It was reported that nursing staff had left cans of food brought in for patients open in ward refrigerators. The council brought this to our attention, and because of our inspections we are satisfied it was not a widespread problem.

Staff who handle food undergo food hygiene training each year. The catering manager also carries out ad-hoc inspections to ensure the rules are being followed.

Following the council's findings, staff were reminded of the procedure for storing food. We have carried out further inspections and are satisfied the correct procedures are being followed.

The council has designated Moorgreen a Safe 2 Eat hospital, based on this report.

MARTIN BARKLEY, chief executive, Hampshire Partnership NHS Trust.