IN the Swaythling ward of our city council we have two Liberal Democrat councillors who were elected to represent the voters of that ward and also the city itself.

Both Cllr Ann Milton and Cllr David Beckett have refused to answer local residents' concerns over the transit site that thanks to our local Labour and Liberal Democrat groups will be forced on the residents of that ward.

UKIP Southampton recently called for the resignation of both Cllr Beckett and Cllr Milton after they failed to represent their wards and the voters within it.

Both councillors decided the best way to deal with this was to ignore the request like they have decided to ignore their electorate. I suspect they thought that if they ignore us then all will be ok.

Both councillors must face the music and either resign or be thrown from office when their seat is next up for election.

Following her appalling handling of the school review last year and her handling of the transit site issue, Cllr Ann Milton must realise that her time is up and it is time to go.

RYAN NEWELL, chairman, UKIP Southampton.