BLACK and Asian people genuinely feared an increase in racist incidents when Southampton Football Club relocated to St Mary's; the area having a significant number of black and Asian people.

These fears were not realised and the club have managed issues of race in an exemplary fashion. Their Racism Just Aint Saintly campaign and the community team are fine examples of anti-racist work.

It is therefore sad to see that the double page spread (Daily Echo, August 10) of the Southampton squad listed him as Malcolm "Woggy" Taylor. I am assuming that this is a nickname and he was not named this at birth.

I thought the day of such nicknames had gone. It harks back to the days when black people working in factories were called Chalky White as a term of affection.

For an organisation that espouses anti-racism and preaches that any racist terminology must be outlawed from football, such a public declaration of this man's nickname is unacceptable.

This does evoke an interesting scenario of black players like Kenwyne Jones or Bradley Wright-Philips having to publicly call this man "Woggy" to get his attention.

It all sounds a bit like Love Thy Neighbour or Life on Mars.

JAYANTI SHAH, Positive Message Group, Southampton.