IT would appear that Eastleigh Council has decided that Fleming Park golf course and environs are under the control of DC Leisure as "the council is happy with the performance'' of DC Leisure (Daily Echo, August 2).

What were the conditions of the contract negotiated (if that is the correct term) with DC Leisure and to which they are bound? Were they required to improve the quality of the course and environs; improve the facilities for golfers; improve the take-up of the sport?

Or, did the council merely pay lip service to any specific requirements and accept an offer from DC Leisure without scrupulous examination of the bid, in order to get the course off its hands?

I believe the course has a covenant for the area only to be used for the benefit of Eastleigh residents.

As DC Leisure is not resident in Eastleigh could it be the covenant is broken?

Could it be the council is happy to see the course drift into an unusable state, thereby allowing the council to break the covenant?