ONE of the the biggest wow factors Southampton has is the Common and the tree-lined approach to it from Chilworth. It's been written about in various publications and is what visitors remember. The Common is enjoyed by the citizens and is a source of pride.

Southampton University has put in a planning application to build on its Bolderwood site that fronts onto Bassett Avenue. The proposed first phase includes multi-storey blocks fronting onto Bassett Avenue, just a few feet from the kerb, thus destroying landscaping and protected trees on this site.

This will completely destroy the symmetry which is so complementary to the Common. This is very short-term thinking.

This proposal is not looking at the long-term negative impact on Southampton, but seems only to be focussed on short-term financial gain, which will prove to be counter productive for the city.

For a few pieces of silver, Southampton should not allow any proposal that has a negative impact on the Common, the tree lined Bassett Avenue and symmetrical approach into the city, and the overall image of Southampton as the green city.

The wow factor or lack of one is discussed regularly in the Daily Echo. Yet we are possibly close to destroying the biggest wow factor Southampton possesses, the Common.

This jewel, loved and admired by residents and visitors, must be preserved along with its surrounding areas.

Otherwise, we will be answerable to future generations, and will need to explain how we allowed this to happen.

M VASHISHT, Southampton.