DID anyone read Donald Smith's In My View column a few weeks ago, or was I the only one?

He advocated two things: firstly an observation tower.

Secondly, a replica of the historic Mayflower ship.

There is a faithful life-size replica of the ship in Plymouth, Massachusetts, but all we have here is a modest memorial near where it officially left this country for its momentous journey across the Atlantic.

Many ports now harbour historic vessels, all part of our island's maritime history.

Bideford, Charles Kingsley's Little White Town, has Kathleen and May, the last remaining wooden hulled, three masted topsail vessel, now lovingly restored and seaworthy.

Bristol has Brunel's mighty Great Britain, the first iron-clad ship and hugely significant in our history.

Brixham, where William III first stepped ashore, has a replica of Drake's Golden Hind.

These ships dominate their harbours and are superb tourist attractions.

In the same way a replica of Mayflower would be so exciting for Southampton and attract many visitors, especially from the USA.

Our own American cousins, children of the 1620 emigrations, would love to see a Mayflower replica in its rightful place.

What a marvellous idea, Mr Smith!

CHERYL JORDAN, Sholing, Southampton.