I CALLED a company to clear a blocked drain in my garden.

The man arrived two hours late but made no excuse or apology. He explained that the prices I had been quoted over the phone were half-hourly rates, not a total charge. I felt I had no choice but to get it sorted out.

He finished at 2.55pm after having started at 2pm but disappeared into his van to emerge shortly after 3pm with the bill.

He had written the start time as 1.55pm and the finish time as 3.05pm. He had obviously waited until after 3pm so that he could charge me for going into a third half-hour period, increasing my bill considerably.

We argued about the cost, but he said he didn't make the rules and became rude.

I can't believe that I fell for a scam as obvious as this and can only hope that this letter will make others aware of tradesmen's tricks to extort money from hard working citizens.