DRIVING home from work recently, a van raced past me at breakneck speed. The woman driver was no doubt attempting to beat yet another tight delivery deadline after having probably done up to 30 drops that day.

I can't think of a more stressful job than driving under pressure all day long on today's congested roads.

How much better it was when I first learned to drive in the late 1970s. There were only half the number of cars on the roads and although the cars weren't as reliable as they are now, they did at least have character unlike today's bland over-priced jelly-moulds on wheels.

Speed cameras were unheard of and if you were driving a Transit van you could always push the sliding door right back and drive along with plenty of fresh air on a hot day and never bother to wear a seat belt, nobody did then.

It was a more carefree experience, driving was a joy, not the endurance test it is now. Why anyone would want to drive all day long making deliveries in today's horrendous traffic leaves me mystified.

I wouldn't want that van driver's job for all the money in the world.

TERRY BURGESS, Shirley, Southampton.