I CANNOT believe the legal system in this country. First we read the case of Michelle Teague sentenced to three months' imprisonment for conning the state out of £38,000 (Daily Echo, August 18). I feel this sentence was correct.

On the same page was the case of Kirsty Hillier, who stabbed her former boyfriend three times, which she denied.

While on bail for this offence she was caught drink-driving.

The sentence passed on her was 12 moths suspended prison sentence coupled with 12 months supervision, 150 unpaid work and a three-year driving ban.

In recent times we've read or seen on the news, cases of people being stabbed to death on the streets of Britain. What sort of message are the judges sending out to people? You will not go to prison for stabbing someone.

"Fortunately you didn't cause him serious harm'', were the words of Judge Derwin Hope.

So you can have one last chance, but rip the state off and you can rest assured it will be jail for you.

MIKE ALLOTT, Thornhill, Southampton.