I CONTEST the fact that the MV Conelbe container vessel will be running on empty (Daily Echo, August 20).

If all the containers on board are empty the overall draft of the ship will be too high for her to sail safely.

The reasons for this are that the degree of hogging during navigation would be too large and hence the shearing force and longitudinal bending moment applied to the hull would be dangerous.

Waves striking the ship bottom (known as slamming) could cause increased stresses. The rudder would not be completely submerged and as such manoeuvrability would be impaired.

Lastly the propeller would not be immersed fully, leading to a decrease in the propulsion performance and possible racing of the propeller.

So that Conelbe can sail half way around the world, she will have to take on board thousands of tons of sea water (sailing ballast).

This is the situation we have because of an imbalance of trade between our countries.

China exports lots of goodies that we pay good cash for. In return we export a large quantity of sea water at a financial cost to the shipping industry and more importantly an environmental cost to our planet.

The only way to protect us from this ludicrous situation is to try to buy products made in Europe.

The message is simply - buy locally and reduce environmental damage from the transport industry.

JOE COX, South-West Hants Green Party.