THE Ministry of Defence is doing everything to cover up the extent of the terrible and ever increasing injuries that our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering, even to the extent that the minister now blatantly refutes the statement made by the general officer commanding, that troops under his command are over stretched and cannot be further deployed, especially as injuries and fatalities are mounting daily.

In a country where no MoD minister has ever seen or even heard a shot fired in anger, it is a fact that they do not feel obliged to be responsible for the suffering or welfare of the troops, especially after discharge.

I have belonged to the Royal British Legion since 1950 and never before have I known them to launch an attack upon the Government and the MoD in particular. The Legion is instigating a campaign to shame the Government into providing better treatment in all areas for the armed forces.

This will focus on the need to provide and improve medical care and pay more compensation for those maimed or injured on active service.

The Legion believes that our servicemen and women deserve more from their Government and I not only agree but also thank them for their intervention.

J ASHTON, Eastleigh.