THERE are bus operating companies who are insistent that they do not make money from concessions. Go Ahead, for instance, claims that local authorities are discounting reimbursements to allow for the growth in pensioners, although no concrete evidence is forthcoming to support these assertions.

There is now a well established negotiating process contained in the Transport Act of 2000, the objectives based on a formula no better - no worse off' in respect of funding arrangements for bus operators, the profit motive is not an option under these provisions.

The embodiment of an appeals panel in the event of a dispute is another avenue for the participants to settle reimbursements issues.

Gordon Brown introduced this in the Budget of March 16, 2005. It is a godsend which the writer rightly acknowledges, and many senior citizens are now benefiting from it. The scheme will not die (Letters, August 10) it will survive because it has become a liberation for the senior citizens who do not have the luxury of car ownership.

TED WHITE, chairman, Eastleigh Labour Party.