I WAS suprised to read Councillor Sue Jackson's letter (August 14) in which she was very keen to point out the support Lordshill Community Centre received from the former Liberal Democrat administration.

It appears that Cllr Jackson has a very selective memory. In a recent Lib Dem Focus leaflet she claims to have started a campaign to improve roads and pavements in the city.

What happened to the last four years of Lib Dem control in Southampton? Why didn't they take that opportunity to improve roads and pavements then? It's a demonstration of contempt for the intelligence of the people of not only Coxford but also Southampton.

Regarding hard working Labour councillor Don Thomas. I profoundly disagree with Cllr Jackson. He has kept Lordshill Community Centre as a live issue through the Daily Echo letters page, thus putting preasure on the powers-that-be.

LEE WHITBREAD, Southampton.