WE did not always have the problem of maggots, rats and other vermin in our refuse.

So who creates the problem? Much of the onus is on the consumer, but much more is on the manufacturer and the Government.

The consumer should be more responsive, organic waste will always attract vermin, but since disposal of animal waste in our bins is illegal I cannot see the problem here.

Green or vegetable waste should also never be binned but composted (even possible in flats etc).

Cook less, save and reuse leftovers, that's what my parents did. Most of all, don't be fussy!

Manufacturers must put consumer need before profit.

Buying three for the price of two is false economy and encourages waste. I would like to see the price reduced - giving a fair deal for all. Packaging must also be reduced and made recyclable.

Meanwhile, our Government in its ivory tower is oblivious to the real world, not knowing what is happening, not wanting to upset the status quo.

They have the power to stop wastefulness, but are too afraid to rock the boat.

TONY GRAY, Cadnam.