I WOULD like to respond to the recent comments made by Councillor David Harrison and G E Doling about AFC Totton's application for a new stadium at Little Testwood Farm, Calmore.

Cllr Harrison stresses that open space would be lost as a result of these proposals but it is my understanding that these proposals would actually increase such land.

It would, therefore, be interesting to learn how enabling access to over 17 acres of open green space, which is currently under private ownership, is considered a loss?

If Cllr Harrison is so keen to ensure future open space for the town, then perhaps he should seriously consider the consequences should these proposals not move forward or would he rather see access denied for all?

As for Mr Doling's comments, I think he should recognise the important role that sports clubs play within local communities and the fact that local people will have greater access to an increased level of open space and facilities as a result of the scheme.

With concerns being raised over such matters, he, like Cllr Harrison, should also think about the consequences of these proposals failing.

Furthermore, is Mr Doling oblivious to the fact that Britain has a housing crisis or is he happy in the knowledge that many younger people are struggling to find appropriate accommodation?

These proposals, therefore, provide a chance to meet a number of needs and aspirations that currently exist.

PAUL MAIDEN, trustee, AFC Totton.