IN July I attended the open meeting to look at the proposed layout of the new Adanac Park at Nursling.

I was surprised how far reaching the changes were going to be and wonder if people living in Lower Brownhill Road realise it will affect them. As the new road layouts will affect the parking (or lack of it) in the bottom part of that road, my daughter, who lives there, asked for more details and was told she would be contacted the following week.

She also asked the same question at the Hampshire County Council stand at the New Forest Show and was again told she would be contacted. She is still waiting.

The changes would mean no parking on that part of the road.

People should have been told that the proposals would affect a much larger area than just a small corner near the M271. Had this been the case I believe more would have aired their views.

TESS O'RYAN, Nursling.