POOR Ryan Newell, chairman of UKIP, obviously got the wrong end of the stick when he read what I wrote (In My View, August 14).

He is so anxious to make his point regarding the Lib Dems that he has clearly missed out the issue that I was making of the Lordshill Community Centre.

Mr Newell is not worried about the community and issues that arrive from it. No, he has missed my case entirely by clearly stating a lot of hogwash, to which I am clearly not associated.

Mr Newell has a lot to learn if he is to be any good for his party and the people.

I suggest that he prioritises his party's values as top of his list when it comes to the right reasons, as we are all aware one of UKIP's MEPs is making a mockery out of the democratic process and voters will not tolerate the kind of behaviour.

COUNCILLOR SUE JACKSON, Southampton City Council.