EASTLEIGH Council is hell-bent on confiscating allotment sites for house building. I went to the Woodside Allotments open day and what a splendid sight it was to see all these plots of homegrown produce! I'm hopeless at gardening but I could appreciate the enormous amount of work, time, skill and pride that must have gone into making these allotments what they are.

It is a wonderful part of our heritage, so why are our elected representatives determined to do away with them?

Those responsible for losing us so many playing fields can now see what a shortsighted thing it was. They can never make up for the bad impact it has had on children's health. There are some things that are more important than money.

In time the powers-that-be in Eastleigh will regret the sale of allotments. But, when they wake up, it will be too late, just as we can't get the playing fields back; we won't be able to get the allotments back.

The allotment holders are an example to us all, the achievement of producing healthy food for yourself; showing how it is possible to grow vegetables, organically; enjoying such a creative and physically active use of leisure time; learning skills to pass onto your children.

This is at risk of being chucked away. It seems that concerned bystanders are powerless to do anything. At the open day I found there is a fund we can give to, to oppose this crass policy. I urge other concerned residents to support this fund.