On August 15, VJ Day, I attended a memorial ceremony in London for 300 RAF FEPOW who died at the hands of the Japanese in North Borneo in the Second World War. These men died as a result of medical neglect, starvation, brutality or from an executioner's sword or bullet.

On my return home I picked up the Daily Echo expecting to find a few words on the war in the Far East or perhaps on the local men who perished over there. Not a word and to add injury to insult I find a whole page dedicated to Germand PoWs held in this area.

How many of these suffered the barbarity of our PoWs? I would suggest not a one.

With just a little bit of thought these articles could have been published on perhaps the 14th or 16th. Perhaps the phrase 'Lest We Forget' has been forgotten.

I believe the Daily Echo owes an apology to those families and friends who remember their loved ones but most importantly a statement of rememberance for those who died in combat or captivity in the Far East.

They died for our freedom and that should never be forgotten.