I WAS disappointed that Roy Kingdon failed to recognise himself as a football mad parent (In My View, August 18).

Apart from being "a decent goalie", he quotes no formal qualification for officiating at a game, unlike the "rather young referee" that he seeks to criticise.

This "pint sized official" was quite correct in asking Mr Kingdon to support/coach his nine-year-old son from the touchline and not from behind the goal.

The Southampton Tyro league, the Eastleigh Mini Soccer League, and most other youth league tournaments follow FA guidelines and forbid the coaching of any players from behind the goal.

No one instructs or coaches to the back of someone's head. Games are won and lost by goals scored, so how unfair is it to have an aggressive adult putting off a nine-year-old potential goal scorer or goal stopper?

What great courage this child referee showed in approaching this soccer-mad parent and requesting that he move to a more acceptable position as set out in the competition rules. This guardian of fair play need praise not abuse from the likes of Mr Kingdon.

If he or any other soccer mad parent would like to know more about the laws of Association Football and become the guardians of fair play and a role model for their children I would be more than pleased to advise them. They could do this by enrolling on a New Referees Course on October 11 at Southampton Solent University starting at 7pm. For more details phone 01256 385 010.

ALBERT ASTBURY, Football Association licensed referee instructor, Nursling.